24 мая 2014 г.


Сделал первые 7 секций бокажей для проекта Нормандия. Результат меня устроил. Вопрос в том насколько они живучие, так что будет относиться к ним очень бережно.

16 мая 2014 г.

Edward IV (28 April 1442 – 9 April 1483)

Эдуард IV со свитой 

Завтра планирую забрать с почты вторую коробу кавалерии. Выходит кавалерию закрыть уже можно полностью. В теории. Но что-то у меня пропало вдохновение на 28мм, так что, скорее всего, сделаю паузу. Не лежит у меня душа делать 28мм, переключусь пока на 15мм. Для Войны Роз осталось дождаться новой пластиковой коробки МАА, а так всё уже закуплено.

лучники ополчения

14 мая 2014 г.

12 мая 2014 г.

Commands & Colors: Napoleonics

Всегда относился к серии C& C с легким пренебрежением. Такой себе варгейм лайт для ленивых: всё в коробке, механика упрощена, морали у войск нет итд. В принципе Battle Cry по Гражданской войне в США подтверждал сложившееся мнение.

Войска которые несут потери сражаются одинаково со свежими, резервы не особо нужны, а для победы просто нужно заработать 5-6 флагов (разбитых отрядов). Хотя игра быстра и простая в чем её плюс для определенных игроков. Для игры отца и сына то, что нужно.

Другое дело Наполеоника... 

Правила разумно усложнены, подразделение действуют по-разному, сражаются в зависимости от понесенных потерь, у разных родов войск различные показатели и спецправила. К тому же в игре задействованы не миниатюрки сомнительного масштаба и качества, а деревянные блоки с наклейками. Что как мне кажется огромный плюс.

За выходные сыграно 6 сценариев, и впечатление остались самые положительные.

11 мая 2014 г.

Prinz Savoyen Dragoons

This dragoon regiment was created on February 7 1682 during the reign of emperor Leopold I. Its Inhaber (owner) was colonel Johann Heinrich count Kuefstein zu Gillenstein who also assumed command of the unit.

As early as July 31 1683, the regiment was involved in an engagement on the Hillenberg. Two months later, on September 12, it was part of the Austrian contingent, under the command of the duke Karl von Lothringen, when the army of John III Sobieski liberated Vienna from the besieging Turkish army. 

At the beginning of the War of the Austrian Succession, the regiment was assigned to the corps under the command of count Palffy. In 1742, it took part to the winter expedition in Upper Austria and Bavaria. In the night of January 15, the Franco-Bavarian occupied Linz. On January 16, the regiment attacked them and put them to flight, capturing a large part of the enemy troops. In September, the regiment was operating against the French in northern Bohemia as part of corps of the archduke of Tuscany. On February 8 1743 at the battle of Campo Santo, the regiment was deployed on the left wing under the command of count Beyersberg. In 1744, it took part to the enterprise against Naples and to the attack on the Spanish camp at Velletri. In 1746, it was at the battle of Piacenza where it was deployed on the right wing along Schmerzing and Portugal cuirassiers. They broke throught the Spanish infantry, capturing several men. The same year, the regiment took part to the battle of Rottofreno. At the end of the war, in 1748, it took its quarters in Lombardy. In 1749, it was stationed in Hungary.

During the Seven Years' War, the regiment inhaber was:
from 1736 to 1773: Ferdinand Karl count von Aspremont-Linden

N.B.: From 1736, contrarily to the other regiments of the Austrian Army who were known by the name of their owner, this regiment kept the name of the illustrious general who owned it from 1683 to 1736: Eugen Franz Prinz Savoyen. (Prince Eugène).

During the Seven Years' War, the regiment was commanded by:
since 1752: Franz count Hallwyl
1756: Joachim count Gourcy
from 1758 to 1771: Alexander baron Berlichingen

10 мая 2014 г.

Erzherzog Maximilian Cuirassiers

This regiment was the oldest of the Austrian army. It was raised in 1618 for the general of cavalry Heinrich du Val count Dampiere and took his name.

In 1626, the unit was converted into a cuirassier regiment. 

In 1631, the regiment was brought back to full strength (10 coys). It took part to all the campaigns of the Thirty Years' War, participating to the battles of Leipzig (1631), Lützen (1632) and Nördlingen (1634).

During the War of the Polish Succession, the regiment initially served on the Rhine against France in 1734 and 1735. Saint-Germain, the future French minister of War under Louis XVI, then served as Rittmeister in the regiment.

During the war against the Turks, the regiment fought in the engagement of Timok in 1737. The same year, it protected the artillery and baggage trains during the retreat from Fort Elisabeth. In 1738 it participated to the engagement of belgrade and, in 1739, to the battle of Krotzka where it suffered very heavy losses (its colonel, 5 squadron leaders, 4 officers and 92 men killed, 5 officers and 76 men wounded).

At the beginning of the War of the Austrian Succession, the regiment was stationed in Hungary. In 1741, it was at the battle of Mollwitz. On May 17 1742, it fought at the battle of Czaslau. Later the same year, it was at the siege of Prague. During the campaigns of 1743 and 1744, the regiment was assigned to the army of prince Carl von Lothringen and served on the Rhine. In 1745, it fought at Hohenfriedberg (June 4) and Soor (September 30). At the end of the war, it was stationed in Hungary.

During the Seven Years' War, the regiment inhaber was:
until 1756: count zu Hohen-Ems
1756: Erzherzog Ferdinand
from 1761 to 1780: Erzherzog Maximilian von Habsburg-Lothringen

During the Seven Years' War, the regiment was commanded by:
since 1747: Christian baron Kölbel
1757: Franz count Thurn-Valsasina
1758: Hieronymus Minutillo
1760: Franz Josef baron Reischach

7 мая 2014 г.

Erzherzog Leopold Cuirassiers

Расширил кавалерийские полки до 8 баз (16 фигурок), сделал всё-таки по 2 флага на полк.
Мы пока играем в Maurice и там полк это всё 4 баз, но всё-таки надеюсь рано или поздно начать играть в КК.

The regiment was raised in 1685 in the bishopric of Würzburg
At the beginning of the Seven Years' War, the regiment was known as Hohenzollern.

During the Seven Years' War, the regiment inhaber was:
since 1750: Erzherzog Leopold (became Großherzog von Toskana in 1756 and Kaiser Leopold II in 1790)

During the Seven Years' War, the regiment was commanded by:
in 1756: Cajetan count di Stampa
1757: Ludwig von Hoffmann (killed at Torgau in 1760)
1760: Franz count Lanjus von Wellenburg
The regiment was disbanded in 1801.

6 мая 2014 г.


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